¡¡Acting out£º

1. Ask students to mimic the interview in Part B. One will be the CCTV host and the other will be a US trade representative. Ask questions below:

¡¡¡ª¡ª How do you view the trade relations between the US and China?

¡¡¡ª¡ª What are the main reasons for the huge US trade deficit with China, in your opinion?

¡¡¡ª¡ª How to solve the problem?

2. Ask students to form into groups of four and make a presentation on the topic "Will free trade benefit all countries?"

¡¡¡ª¡ª A brief introduction to free trade

¡¡¡ª¡ª Hot debate on the benefits of free trade

¡¡¡ª¡ª Your own opinion