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林桂军 教授,博士生导师


  1. 对外经济贸易大学副校长
  2. 国务院学位办应用经济学学科评议组成员
  3. 教育部经济学指导委员会委员
  4. 教育部高等学校经济学类学科教学指导委员会国际经济与贸易专业召集人
  5. 博士生导师
  6. 国际贸易学教授

  林桂军教授1983年毕业于北京对外贸易学院(现对外经济贸易大学)五年制国际贸易专业本科, 1987年获加拿大卡尔顿大学经济学硕士学位,1995年获对外经济贸易大学经济学博士学位。1993年晋升为副教授,1996年破格晋升为教授。自1990年以来,曾作为访问学者在英国曼彻斯特大学经济系、香港中文大学、意大利Bocconi大学、芬兰Abu Academi大学和美国哥伦比亚大学经济系、美国华盛顿国际货币基金组织等海外机构进行讲学、讲座与学术研究。

  林桂军教授现为国务院学位办应用经济学学科评议组成员、教育部经济学指导委员会委员、教育部高等学校经济学类学科教学指导委员会国际经济与贸易专业召集人、中国国际贸易学会和北京经济学联合会常务理事、农业部软科学学术委员会委员;博士生导师,校学位委员会副主任委员、学术委员会副主任委员、Asian Pacific Journal of Economics and Business 和Journal of Technology Management in China编委、若干国际学术期刊的匿名评审人。2001年获“北京市劳动模范”称号。

  林桂军教授主要从事国际贸易、外汇政策和福利经济学方面的研究,是国内外最早将定量分析应用于中国外贸政策研究的学者之一。2003年他与哥伦比亚大学R. Schramm 合作发表在China Economic Review发表的一篇论文,详细描述了我国外贸体制改革和引进外资政策如何推动我国外汇体制改革的历史及其含义本篇论文受到国际学术界的广泛重视,2004年,该篇论文的下载率进入China Economic Review的前10位。本文对决策者认识我国的外贸和外汇政策也产生较大影响。2004年美国政府的一份对华贸易报告,曾两次引用本论文的内容(Before the Office of the United States Trade Representative: Petition for Relief Under Section 301(a) of the Trade Act of 1974,as amended,Setember 2004).另外,他与哥伦比亚大学R.Schramm合作的关于中国储蓄/投资差额的研究成果也受到国际上的重视,2006年12月13/15日出版的国际著名专业杂志<Economist>专题报道了这一研究成果.2007年1月发表在<国际贸易问题>上的关于我国出口贫困化增长的论文,是继Yasuyuki Sawada(2005)之后,国际上第二篇对出口贫困化增长进行实证分析的论文,也是第一篇对我国是否存在出口贫困化增长的实证论文.



  林桂军教授的近期科研成果发表在中外核心学术期刊中,如China Economic Review(SSCI),The Chinese Economy(SSCI),《世界经济》,《国际贸易问题》;主持在国际著名JAI出版公司出版《The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in China》;在国内出版《人民币汇率问题研究》,《论文规范指导与研究方法》;并主持编辑 《International Business with China: Opportunities and Challenges》, 《China and Zhuhai in the Globalization of the World Economy 》和《Managing Global Business in the Internet Age》等重要国际学术研讨会论文集。


Lin Guijun

  1. Vice President of the University of International Business and Economics
  2. Member of Advisors for Applied Economics of the Office of Academic Degrees of the State Council
  3. Member of Supervisors Committee for Economics of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China
  4. Coordinator of International Economics and Trade Major of Economics Committee of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China
  5. Supervisor of Ph.D. Candidates
  6. Professor of International Trade

Professor Lin Guijun obtains Ph.D. degree from University of International Business and Economics, P.R. China (1995), and Master degree from Carleton University, Canada (1987). He was visiting professor at the Columbia University, U.S.A. (2001-2002); Abu Academi, Finland (1996-1997); Bocconi University, Italy (1996); IMF, Washington DC, U.S.A. (1994); The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK (1992-1993); and University of Manchester, UK (1990-1991).

Currently, Professor Lin is a member of advisors for applied economics of the Office of Academic Degrees of the State Council; member of supervisors committee for economics of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China; the coordinator of international economics and trade major of economics committee of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China; the executive director of International Trade Association of China and the United Economics Society of Beijing; academic committee of managerial and decision sciences of the Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China; supervisor of Ph.D. Candidates, deputy directors of committee of academic degree and of academic committee of UIBE, respectively. He is also the editorial member of Asian Pacific Journal of Economics and Business and Journal of Technology Management in China, and referees for several international academic journals.

Professor Lin Guijun specializes in the areas of International Trade, Foreign Trade policy, Welfare Economics, International Monetary Theory, and Advanced Marco- and Micro- Economics. He is one of beginners among Chinese scholars who applied quantitative analysis method to the research of China foreign trade policy. His paper (with R. Schramm) published in China Economic Review in 2003 describes trade reform in China and shows how the policy of attracting the foreign capital into China affects China’s foreign exchange reform. This paper attracts much attention from international academia and foreign decision-makers: in 2004, the citation of this paper is ranked top 10 for China Economic Review, and in 2004 it was cited twice by the government report of the U.S. (Before the Office of the United States Trade Representative: Petition for Relief Under Section 301(a) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended-September 2004). His paper (with R. Schramm as well) on Chinese saving/investment difference is also received much attention: “Economist” in December of 2006 set a special section to report this issue. His paper published in the Journal of International Trade in January of 2007 about China’s “export poverty” is the second paper about this issue after Yasuyuki Sawada’s paper (2005), and is also the first empirical analysis for whether China exists such “export poverty” or not.

Lin commenced his teaching in 1982, and has been lecturing in English since 1987. During the past 26 years, he gained rich experience in the teaching and studying International Trade. He is very welcome to both local and international students. As a result, he was credited as Outstanding Instructor for two consecutive years 1989 and 1990 by the university, and later as “Outstanding University Teacher” and “Outstanding Worker” by the Beijing Municipal Government, 1993 and 2000, respectively.

As Associate Dean and Dean of School of International Trade and Economics during 1995 and 2005, Lin applied his leadership in the development of International Trade course, which greatly improved the course structure and context, and prepared the course to be National Level Excellent Course in 2005.

His current research involves the China foreign trade policy and foreign exchange. These publications can be seen at following Journals: China Economic Review(SSCI), The Chinese Economy (SSCI),Journal of International Trade, and The Journal of World Economy. His academic work can also be read in the books 《Research of Exchange Rate of RMB》, 《International Business with China: Opportunities and Challenges》, 《China and Zhuhai in the Globalization of the World Economyand《Managing Global Business in the Internet Age》 . His academic contributions also widely acknowledged when he shared his academic thoughts in attending the international economic conferences, and paying visit to other universities, both in China and in the world.

In addition, Professor Lin had taken the project of foundation of Ph.D. program of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China, in 1990’s: “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization and China’s Response”. Recently, he takes the project of national foundation of natural science: “An analysis of Sino-US Trade Imbalance in the International Trade Calculation System under the Ownership Law System”; Main project of Social science and humanities of the Ministry of Education, P.R. China: “Trade, Investment and Market Development in Economic Globalization” (02JAZ790002), the project about the economic analysis of anti-subsidy and the law designing of the Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China, and the main project of research on teaching by the Education Committee of Beijing Municipal Government: “The Distinction of Applied Skills in International Trade and Teaching Reform”.