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  1. 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 国际贸易系主任
  2. 教育部经济学类教学指导委员会国际经济与贸易专业 特聘专家
  3. 博士生导师
  4. 国际贸易学教授

  唐宜红教授1999年获对外经济贸易大学博士学位,2000年获英国伦敦政治经济学院硕士学位。 1998年英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者。



Tang Yihong

  1. Chair of the Department of International Trade
  2. Supervisor of Ph.D. Candidates
  3. Professor of International Trade

Professor Tang Yihong holds Ph.D. degree from University of International Business and Economics, P.R. China (1999), and Masters degree from London School of Economics and Political Science (2000). She is academic visitor at the University of Manchester, UK (1998).

Professor Tang Yihong specializes in the area of International Trade Theory and Policy, Political Economy of Trade Policy, Regional Economic Integration and World Trade Organization Study. She began her teaching in 1991, and now gives lectures on International Trade Theory and Policy, and International Trade, to Ph.D., Graduate and Bachelor students. She was one of the main lecturers of the National Level Excellent Course—International Trade, 2005, and was in charge of the project in developing this course from 2004 to 2007.

Tang’s recent academic papers are published in the Journal of Global Business & Trade, Quantitative and Technical Economics, Journal of International Trade, and Practice in Foreign Economic Relations and Trade.