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  1. 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 讲师


  许亦平博士主要从事国际贸易和实证金融的研究工作。他2005年开始在国际经济贸易学院为本科留学生,中国本科和硕士学生教授《国际金融市场》,《国际投资》,《货币银行学》,《公共财政学》和《 宏观经济学》。他最近主要的工作是研究中美贸易平衡和实验经济学。

  许亦平博士的论文发表在Journal of Evolutionary Economics, International Journal of Development Planning Literature 和《数量经济技术经济研究》上。

Xu Yiping

  1. Assistant Professor of School of International Trade and Economics

Xu yiping holds Ph.D. degree from Simon Fraser University, Canada (2005).

Xu Yiping specializes in the area of International Trade and Empirical Finance. He has been teaching International Financial Market, International Investment, Money and Banking, Public Finance, and Macroeconomics for International B.A., B.A. and M.A. programs from 2005. His recent research focuses on the international trade balance between the US and China.

Xu’s academic papers are accepted and published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, International Journal of Development Planning Literature, Quantitative and Technical Economics.