授 课 内 容

part 3 acquisition and preparation of human resources

第四章 人力资源规划

CHAPTER 4 Human Resource Planning


  1 、理解和掌握人力资源需求预测的基本技术 教学时数: 1

  2 、掌握人力资源供给预测的基本方法 教学时数: 1

  3 、 掌握处理和应对员工离职等问题的基本要点 教学时数: 1


  - Chapter Summary

  This chapter describes the process an organization uses to plan so that there will be adequate human resources. The steps described are linking business strategies to future needs, forecasting labor demand and supply, determining in what positions there will exist a labor shortage or surplus, setting goals regarding future human resource needs, and identifying strategies to solve the problems of shortages and/or surpluses.

  - Chapter Outline

  第一节 人力资源的预测

  1、 How to Forecast Personnel Needs

  2、 Determining Labor Supply

  3、 Determining Labor Surplus or Shortage

  第二节 员工离职管理

  1、Strategies for avoiding an expected labor surplus or shortage

  2、How to manage employee separation

【教学总时数】 3 课时


  1、Noe, (2000) Human Resource Management : Gaining a Competitive Advantage, (3rd ed.) Tsinghua Publishing House. Chapter5.

  2、 赵曙明 编著,《人力资源战略与规划》,中国人民大学出版社, 2002 年 10 月第 1 版。

  3 、劳埃德 . 拜厄斯 等著,李业昆等译,《人力资源管理》,人民邮电出版社, 2004 年 1 月第 1 版,第 6 章。


  1 、 End of Chapter Case:“ As a member of the management team, you are involved in an upcoming layoff at ‘ Storage Way ' . This is the 4 th layoff and will reduce the number of staff another 40%, to 38. The layoff will hit sales and marketing hardest, along with engineering.

  How will you develop and implement the layoff plan?

  2 、 Discuss the effects that an impending labor shortage might have on the following three subfunctions of human resource management: (a) selection and placement, (b) training and career development, and (c) compensation and benefits.

亲验式活动 2


教学时数: 1

  Learning purpose:

  This exercise is designed to give participants experience in dealing with some of the planning requirements faced by a typical human resource manager. Students should learn from this exercise that planning requires gathering information, making decisions, setting priorities, and communicating with others who must help carry out the plan.

  Summary of the activity:

  Instruct participants to sort the material and information according to some priority in order to properly sequence handling. After sorting, participants can address each item concerning the action they plan to take.

  All of the material under “Instructions to Participants,”including Exhibits 1–11, must be duplicated in enough sets to provide each participant with a complete set. This exercise may be conducted entirely in class or partially outside of class. Participants may be given the complete set of material and asked to work on it prior to the next class meeting, at which time the debriefing is conducted. Participants may also be given the material at the beginning of class and told that they have 20 minutes to prepare for the meeting.

  Tasks asked participants to finish:

  Instruct participants to do the following on each item:

  1、 Note when it is to be handled.

  2、 Note who is to handle it, if not yourself.

  3、 Note what is to be done or who is to be informed.

  4、 If a meeting is to be called, set up an agenda.

  5、 If a memo or notice is to be sent out, write it out.

第五章 人员招聘与安置

CHAPTER 5 Personnel Selection and Placement


  1 、树立科学的人员甄选理念 教学时数: 0.5

  2 、掌握面试的基本技巧与方法,避免常见的面试误区 教学时数: 1

  3 、 掌握“行为描述式面试”的基本技术 教学时数: 1

  4 、学会设计简单的人员选拔的方案 教学时数: 1


  • Chapter Summary

  The following requirements to use a personnel selection device are discussed: reliability, validity, generalizability, and utility. The following methods of selection are discussed, in terms of the above factors, how the methods work in practice, and how they can be improved for use: interviews, reference checks, biographical information, physical ability tests, cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, work?sample tests and honesty tests. The importance of the use of multiple measures and multiple judges in selection is emphasized.

  • Chapter Outline

  I、 Basic Values of Selection

   1.1 The hiring process

   1.2 What to select for?

  II、 Interviewing Candidates

   2.1 Introduction of Interview

   2.2 Factors Undermining Successful Interview

   2.3 Interview Administration

  III、 Behavioral Event Interview (BEI)

   3.1 Traditional Interview Strategies & their problems

   3.2 Characteristics of BEI

   3.3 Problems in conducting BEI

   3.4 Case Analysis: Interview questions of Procter & Gamble

  IV、 Employee Testing And Selection

  V、 Work Samples and Simulations

【教学总时数】 3.5 课时


  1、Noe, (2000) Human Resource Management : Gaining a Competitive Advantage, (3rd ed.) Tsinghua Publishing House. Chapter 6.

  2、 G. Dessler(2001) Human Resource Management(8 th ed ). Tsinghua Publishing House. Chapter 5, Chapter 6.

  3、  亚瑟 .W. 小舍曼 等著,张文贤 主译,《人力资源管理》。东北财经大学出版社,汤姆森出版集团, 2001 年 3 月第 1 版,第 5 章。

  4、  张一驰 编著,《人力资源管理教程》,北京大学出版社, 1999 年 9 月第 1 版,第 4 , 5 章。

  5 、劳埃德 . 拜厄斯 等著,李业昆等译,《人力资源管理》,人民邮电出版社, 2004 年 1 月第 1 版,第 7 章。


  § In groups, prepare an interview you'll use to interview candidates for the job teaching a course in Human Resources Management. Each group should present theirs in class.

亲验式活动 3


教学时数: 1.5

  Learning purpose:

  Selecting the best person to fill a vacant position is one of the most important tasks of human resource management. As all managers recognize, many factors must be considered in order to ensure proper selection. This exercise will permit students to actually participate in the selection process, thereby gaining an appreciation of employee selection.

  Summary of the activity:

  Read the following statement to the class: “George Winston has just been promoted, and his immediate superior gave him one last job to perform prior to moving to his new position. Before he starts his new job, he must select his replacement. George's firm is an affirmative action employer, and presently there are few women in management. George has some excellent employees to choose from, but there are many factors to consider before a decision can be made.”

  Select four individuals; one to serve as George Winston, the current supervisor and three to be candidates for the promotion. Allow participants at least five minutes to become prepared to play their roles. Participants should follow the roles given them. Two of the three candidates for the supervisor's job will be instructed to leave the room until the first two individuals have completed their role playing. None of the candidates for the supervisor's job should be permitted to talk with each other. It is important that none of the candidates hear the role playing of the others. Continue until the last participant plays his or her role.


To Observers :

  1.Did the supervisor select the correct candidate? Are the questions he asked each candidate appropriate?

  2.What level of effectiveness can be expected from Candidate I? What are the primary failings of this employee's approach?

  3.What level of effectiveness can be expected from Candidate II? What are the primary failings of this employee's approach?

  4. What level of effectiveness can be expected from Candidate III? What are the primary failings of this employee's approach?

To the Supervisor:

  1. Did you select the correct candidate? Are the questions you asked each candidate appropriate?

To Candidate I:

  1. What level of effectiveness can be expected from you, considering your management approach? What are the primary failings of your approach?

To Candidate II:

  1. What level of effectiveness can be expected from you, considering your management approach? What are the primary failings of your approach?

To Candidate III:

1.What level of effectiveness can be expected from you, considering your management approach? What are the primary failings of your approach?

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